Society Values:
Calbucos "are people, too."
Natural resources in the form of discarded calbuco body parts and tissues are the property of the associated calbuco individual(s). Utilization of calbuco resources by other species, if any, shall be at the sole discretion of the aforementioned individual(s).
Harvesting of live calbucos is never justified, whether by poachers or "legal" calbuco farming and hunting concerns.
Principles consistent with truth, justice, and "the American way" shall guide all interactions with the calbuco.
Society Goals:
To educate the public regarding the calbuco and 1) its important, though as yet unknown, role in the ecosystem, 2) its rights as an intelligent and beneficent species, and 3) its status as an endangered species.
To eliminate poaching, farming, and hunting of the calbuco.
To develop new and cooperative business relationships with the calbuco.
Copyright 2009-2024, Theodore(Ted)A.Burk, all rights reserved.
Copyright for some specific features established prior to 2009.